
The Mechanical Artisan allows any item to act as an upgrade so long as the item has the correct NBT data.

All upgrade NBT data is nested inside of a root ArtisanWorktables tag.

Machine Upgrades


The mod comes packaged with several pre-made items that don't do anything by themselves, but can be used as upgrades if you add the correct NBT to them.

All machine upgrade tags are nested inside of a root Upgrade tag.

Any number of the upgrade tags below can be combined into any upgrade.


The Speed tag will increase the machine's operating speed using the given additive percentile modifier.

Range: [0, -)

    ArtisanWorktables: {
        Upgrade: {
            Speed: 0.25, 
            EnergyUsage: -0.25


The EnergyUsage tag will increase or decrease the energy used when crafting a recipe using the given additive percentile modifier.

Range: [-1, -)

    ArtisanWorktables: {
        Upgrade: {
            Speed: 0.25, 
            EnergyUsage: -0.25


The FluidCapacity tag will increase or decrease the fluid capacity of the tanks using the given additive percentile modifier.

Range: [-1, -)

    ArtisanWorktables: {
        Upgrade: {
            FluidCapacity: 0.25


The EnergyCapacity tag will increase or decrease the energy capacity of the machine using the given additive percentile modifier.

Range: [-1, -)

    ArtisanWorktables: {
        Upgrade: {
            EnergyCapacity: 0.25


The AutoExportItems tag will allow recipe output slots to be toggled for auto-export.

Values: true or false

    ArtisanWorktables: {
        Upgrade: {
            AutoExportItems: true


The AutoImportItems tag will automatically move items into the machine's inventory from any inventory adjacent to any connected Power Converter block.

Values: true or false

    ArtisanWorktables: {
        Upgrade: {
            AutoImportItems: true


The mod is packaged with an Auto-Import / Export Items item that you could use to add both the AutoImportItems and the AutoExportItems tag. See the example below.

    ArtisanWorktables: {
        Upgrade: {
            AutoImportItems: true,
            AutoExportItems: true


The AutoImportFluids tag will automatically drain fluids into the machine's tanks from any fluid tank adjacent to any connected Power Converter block.

Values: true or false

    ArtisanWorktables: {
        Upgrade: {
            AutoImportFluids: true

Tool Repair Upgrades


The mod comes packaged with one pre-made tool repair upgrade item that doesn't do anything by itself, but can be used as an upgrade if you add the correct NBT to it.

All tool repair upgrade tags are nested inside of a root ToolUpgrade tag.

Any number of the tool repair upgrade tags below can be combined into any upgrade.


The DurabilityRepaired tag controls what percentage of a tool's max durability is repaired by consuming one repair material.

Range: [0, 1]

    ArtisanWorktables: {
        ToolUpgrade: {
            DurabilityRepaired: 0.5, 
            EnergyUsage: 0.5


The EnergyUsage tag will increase or decrease the energy used when repairing a tool using the given additive percentile modifier.

By default, the machine will consume 1 RF per 1 durability repaired.

Range: [-1, -)

    ArtisanWorktables: {
        ToolUpgrade: {
            DurabilityRepaired: 0.5, 
            EnergyUsage: 0.5